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We are faithful Keepers of the Way of the Mandalore, the 501(c)(3) Mandalorian Religious movement, and in accordance with Tenet IX Set Some Aside for the Foundlings, our Foundling Fund will provide charitable support for orphaned, abused, unwanted and at-risk youth.
The following programs have been developed:
The Library Wars Initiative is dedicated to fostering strategic analysis, leadership, teamwork, and tactical thinking in young minds by donating complete, playable Warhammer 40k and Star Wars Legion armies to libraries and high schools. Through this program, we transform unused or unwanted miniatures into fully game-ready sets, giving kids access to wargaming as a shared, engaging, educational experience.
Do you have an old army collecting dust? A pile of unassembled sprues you know you're never going to touch? Maybe a force that’s out of the meta and just not selling? Instead of letting it sit and its warriors never see glory on the tabletop again, send it to us! We’ll restore, rebuild, and repurpose those miniatures into battle-ready Gamecrates that include:
The team at Galactic Outfitters will prepare two Gamecrates to be donated to each library and high school targeted as a program beneficiary, allowing four students to simultaneously experience the joy of tabletop gaming and face varying challenges without the financial barriers of the hobby.
The Durant Public Library in Mississippi and Palmyra Public Library in New York will be the first two libraries to receive Gamecrates.
We appreciate every contribution to the cause, and in return, donors will receive membership in the Bounty Hunters Guild—our exclusive community of supporters with access to special events, wholesale deals, a personal Chaincode giving 5% off and 2.5% back in store credit on webshop orders, affiliate kickbacks when friends use your Chaincode to make purchases, and more! See the benefits of Bounty Hunters Guild membership, tour the members Only Armory, and consider what's on offer:
Donate $60+ in model kits to receive 2 year Guild membership (+ $150 value bonus bundle)
(Aiming for ~2 model kits or a Patrol box, ~300+ points at this level)
Donate $150+ in model kits, upgrade to 5 year Guild membership w/ Tshirt (+ $150 bonus bundle)
(Aiming for ~5 model kits or a Starter box, 700+ points at this level)
Donate $500+ in model kits, upgrade to a Lifetime Guild membership (+ $150 bonus bundle)
(Aiming for ~12 kits or complete 1500+ point army at this level)
Meta strength, paint quality, or faction don’t matter—we’ll fix them up and make them battle-ready! We can even replace missing bits and minis using our 3d printer to restore slightly damaged models and round out squads. Have an abandoned project or half a Starter set you've never had use for taking up space? That's what we're talking about. Shamebin paint job? We’ll strip, reprime and donate the crate with a new paint set so the army’s future players can decide what color schemes to use, developing the Arts of War.
NIB welcome, and if not filling an immediate Gamecrate army need, shrink wrapped products may be used as student gaming club Prize Support or Foundling Fund holiday gift donations at the discretion of the GBHG Guildmaster.
Note to Makers: Custom 3d printed armies are gladly accepted if they are a) quality resin prints from designers like Pipermakes, Gambody or Dark Fire Designs, which b) follow WYSIWYG, c) are collectively 1500 points of a single faction or more. 3d Makers will be rewarded with a 2 year membership for one 3d printed army, a 5 year membership for a pair, and a lifetime membership for two pair. Please individually bag units and include a ruleset reference for each proxy. Quality 3d print Mandalorian armor sets will also be accepted as Prize Support at the 5 year level. The Guildmaster will use her resin printer to make at least one Mandalorian army for this project annually, so we highly encourage your charitable creativity.
1. Gather your models – the program is Warhammer 40k and Star Wars Legion focused.
Secondary games: Necromunda, Infinity, Malifaux, Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, Walking Dead: All Out War, Mars Attacks! and Warzone/Firefight/Deadzone starters and faction sets will also be accepted to build themed one-off Gamecrates.
2. Set up your Account at — the finest bazaar in the Verse!
3. Pack & ship – Securely package your donation and send it to:
℅ GBHG Guildmaster
Galactic Outfitters Ltd
4031 Fowler Rd
Durant Mississippi 39063
4. Claim your Bounty – email the Guildmaster at with pics/donation details and she'll get your Account upgraded and you'll receive your Bounty Hunter Chaincode, Bounty Pucks, and get access the password protected Bounty Hunters Only Armory.
BONUS BOOTY: As a thanks for participating in the Library Wars Initiative, donors of every level will also get a code for a complimentary download of the Horror & High Technology bundle featuring the Guildmaster’s award-winning Dungeons & Dragons adventure books (a $150+ value).
If you represent a library, school, or community center interested in receiving a set of game crates, contact Theresa Krenzer at 716-298-7551 to request a spot on our donation list!
(Are you over 18?)